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Custom Foot Orthotics help in providing relief for painful foot problems or an injury, especially for those who must walk or stand excessively on the job or in everyday activities.
At City View Chiropractic, we provide custom Orthotics in Mississauga. The mechanical properties of the Custom Foot Orthotic help to maintain the normal positioning of the bones in the foot, the joints in the ankle and knees leading up to the hips and lower back. The muscles and ligaments holding these bones in their intended anatomical positions are prevented from over stretching and becoming lax over time.
With enough functional correction from a Custom Foot Orthotic, the foot structure can be aligned to give more propulsion, making walking, running and even cycling more efficient biomechanically.
Along with aligning the foot structure, the Custom Foot Orthotic reduces muscular fatigue and helps to promote more efficient muscle performance thus enhancing performance during the gait cycle. Learn more about custom orthotics in Mississauga and how they can benefit you by contacting City View Chiropractic.
The above image is an example of a foot without the corrective support of an orthotic and then another example of the same foot with a Custom Made Foot Orthotic from POL correcting and supporting the foot. Notice the difference a well-made Custom Foot Orthotic makes!

Some common foot conditions in which the application of Custom Foot Orthotics is beneficial are listed below:

Custom Orthotics in Mississauga

Remember, foot pain is not normal and should not be ignored. The pain in our feet often is associated with other pains in our lower limbs all due to the poor inherent biomechanics of our foot.
Custom orthotics from Mississauga’s City View Chiropractic support the three main arches of the foot and your muscles and tendons are able to work in their range of motions (ROMs) to reduce the risk of an injury occurring.
Orthotics support the three main arches of the foot and your muscles and tendons are able to work in their range of motions (ROMs) to reduce the risk of an injury occurring. With enough functional correction from a custom orthotic the foot structure can be aligned to give more propulsion to make walking, running and even cycling more comfortable.
Along with aligning the foot structure, the custom orthotic reduces muscular fatigue to provide efficient muscle performance.
City View Chiropractic is proud to work with Premier Orthotics Lab (POL) to provide you with quality footwear and custom orthotics in Mississauga.